Refereed Papers in Professional Journals, Reviews and Chapters in Books (Partial List)
Sharma K.*, Harchol A.*, Zuri S.*, Geraffy E.*, Brumme T., Heine T., Yadav R.K., Naveh D., Birowska M., Kronik L., Lifshitz E. Exploring Structural Anisotropy and Anharmonicity in 2D Nanomaterials. (Under review)
Chakraborty, N., Harchol, A., Abu-Hariri, A., Yadav, R.K., Dawod, M., Gaonkar, D.P., Sharma, K., Eyal, A., Amouyal, Y., Naveh, D., Lifshitz, E.: Change in Magnetic Order in NiPS3 Single Crystals Induced by a Molecular Intercalation. (under review - 2nd iteration)
Horani F.*, Sharma K.*, Abu-Hariri A., Lifshitz E. Colloidal Control of Branching in Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductor Nanostructures. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14 (16), 3794–3804.
Oliva R., Ritov E., Horani F., Etxebarria I, Budniak A. K., Amouyal Y., Lifshitz E., and Guennou M. Lattice dynamics and in-plane antiferromagnetism in MnxZn1−xPS3 across the entire composition range. Phys. Rev. B 2023, 107 (10), 104415.
Geraffy, E.; Zuri, S.; Rybak, M. M; Horani, F.; Birowska, M.; Lifshitz, E. Crystal anisotropy implications on the magnetic and optical properties of in van der Walls FePS3. (Submitted to arXiv, 2022)
Zhao, X.; Niu, G.; Zhu, J.; Yang, B.; Yuan, J. H.; Li, S.; Gao, W.; Hu, Q.; Yin, L.; Xue, KH.; Lifshitz, E.; Miao, X.; Tang, J. All-Inorganic Copper Halide as a Stable and Self-Absorption-Free X-ray Scintillator. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11(5), 1873-1880.
Kolodny, Y.; Ferrera, S.; Borin, V.; Yochelis, S.; Dibenedetto, C. N.; Mor, M.; Dehnel, J.; Remennik, S.; Fanizza, E.; Striccoli, M.; et al. Tuning Quantum Dots Coupling Using Organic Linkers with Different Vibrational Modes, J. Phys. Chem. C 124(29) , 16159–16165.
Jin, Z.; Yu, B.-B.; Liao, M.; Liu, D.; Xiu, J.; Zhang, Z.; Lifshitz, E.; Tang, J.; Song, H.; He, Z. Enhanced Efficiency and Stability in Sn-Based Perovskite Solar Cells with Secondary Crystallization Growth. J. Energy Chem. 54, 414–42.
Collini, E.; Gattuso, H.; Kolodny, Y.; Bolzonello, L.; Volpato, A.; Fridman, H. T.; Yochelis, S.; Mor, M.; Dehnel, J.; Lifshitz, E.; et al. Room Temperature Inter-Dot Coherent Dynamics in Multilayers Quantum Dot Materials, J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124(29), 16222–16231.
Dehnel, J.; Barak, Y.; Meir, I.; Budniak, A.K.; Nagvenkar, A.; Gamelin, D.R. Lifshitz, E. "Insight into the Spin Properties in Undoped and Mn-doped CdSe/CdS Seeded Nanorods by Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance." ACS Nano 2020, 14, 10, 13478–13490.
Shentcis, M.; Budniak, A. K.; Shi, X.; Dahan, R.; Kurman, Y.; Kalina, M.; Herzig Sheinfux, H.; Blei, M.; Svendsen, M. K.; Amouyal, Y.; Koppens, F.; Tongay, S.; Thygesen, K. S.; Lifshitz, E.; García de Abajo, F. J.; Wong, L. J.; and Kaminer, I. Tunable free-electron X-ray radiation from van der Waals materials. Nat. Photonics 2020,14, 686–692.
Yang, B.; Yin, L.; Niu, G.; Yuan, J.; Xue, K.; Tan, Z.; Miao, X.; Niu, M.; Du, X.; Song, H.; Lifshitz, E.; et al. "Lead‐Free Halide Rb2CuBr3 as Sensitive X‐Ray Scintillator", Adv. Mater. 2019, 1904711.
Y. Jang, A. Shapiro, F. Horani, Y. Kauffmann, and E. Lifshitz*, "Towards Low-Toxic Colloidal Quantum Dots", Invited Review for Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 232(9-11).
A. Neubauer, A. Shapiro, S. Yochelis, E. Capua, R. Namman, E. Lifshitz, and Y. Paltiel*, "Enhancement of Near Infrared Light Sensing Using Side-Gate Modulation", Sens. Actuat. A Phys. 267, 1-7 (2017).
M. Isarov, L. Z. Tan, J. Tilchin, F. T. Rabouw, M. I. Bodnarchuk, R. J. A. van Dijk-Moes, R. Carmi, Y. Barak, A. Kostadinov, I. Meir, D. Vanmaekelbergh, M. V. Kovalenko, A. M. Rappe, and E. Lifshitz*, "Polarized Emission in II–VI and Perovskite Colloidal Quantum Dots", Invited Review for J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50(21), 214001 (2017).
Y. Jang, A. Shapiro, M. Isarov, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, A. Safran, A. K. Budniak, F. Horani, J. Dehnel, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Interface Control of Electronic and Optical Properties in IV-VI and II-VI Core/Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots: a Review", Invited Feature Article for Chem. Commun. 53(6), 1002-1024 (2017).
M. Isarov, L. Z. Tan, M. I. Bodnarchuk, M. V. Kovalenko*, A. M. Rappe*, and E. Lifshitz*, "Rashba Effect in a Single Colloidal CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystal Detected by Magneto-Optical Measurements", Nano Lett. 17(8), 5020-5026 (2017).
M. Thambidurai, Y. Jang, A. Shapiro, G. Yuan, H. Xiaonan, Y. Xuechao, Q. J. Wang, E. Lifshitz, H. V. Demir*, and C. Dang*, "High Performance Infrared Photodetectors up to 2.8 μm Wavelength Based on Lead Selenide Colloidal Quantum Dots", Opt. Mater. Express 7(7), 2326 (2017).
C. R. Kagan*, E. Lifshitz*, E. H. Sargent*, and D. V. Talapin*, "Building Devices from Colloidal Quantum Dots", Invited Review for Science 353(6302), aac5523 (2016).
E. Aharon, R. Pozner, E. Lifshitz, and U. Peskin*, "Multi-Bit Dark State Memory: Double Quantum Dot as an Electronic Quantum Memory", J. Appl. Phys., 120 (24), 244301, (2016).
A. Rubin-Brusilovski, Y. Jang, A. Shapiro, A. Safran, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Influence of Interfacial Strain on Optical Properties of PbSe/PbS Colloidal Quantum Dots", Chem. Mater. 28(24), 9056-9063 (2016).
A. Shapiro, Y. Jang, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, A. K. Budniak, F. Horani, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Tuning Optical Activity of IV-VI Colloidal Quantum Dots in the Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) Spectral Regime", Chem. Mater. 28(17), 6409-6416 (2016).
E. Hechster*, A. Shapiro E. Lifshitz, and G. Sarusi, "Optical and Electrical Characterizations of a Single Step Ion Beam Milling Mesa Devices of Chloride Passivated PbS Colloidal Quantum Dots Based Film", AIP Adv. 6(7), 075117 (2016).
Y. Jang, D. Yanover, R. K. Čapek, A. Shapiro, N. Grumbach, Y. Kauffmann, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Cation Exchange Combined with Kirkendall Effect in the Preparation of SnTe/CdTe and CdTe/SnTe Core/Shell Nanocrystals", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7(13), 2602-2609 (2016).
J. Tilchin, D. N. Dirin, G. I. Maikov, A. Sashchiuk, M. V. Kovalenko, and E. Lifshitz*, "Hydrogen-like Wannier-Mott Excitons in Single Crystal of Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite", ACS Nano 10(6),6363-6371 (2016).
R. Vaxenburg, A. Rodina, E. Lifshitz, and A. L. Efros*, "Biexciton Auger Recombination in CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Semiconductor Nanocrystals", Nano Lett. 16(4), 2503-2511 (2016).
E. Lifshitz*, "Evidence in Support of Exciton to Ligand Vibrational Coupling in Colloidal Quantum Dots", Invited Perspective Article for J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6(21), 4336-4347 (2015).
M. Isarov, N. Grumbach, G. I. Maikov, J. Tilchin, Y. Jang, A. Sashchiuk*, and E. Lifshitz*, "The Effect of Low Temperature Coating and Annealing on Structural and Optical Properties of CdSe/CdS Core/Shell QDs", Lith. J. Phys. 55(4), 297-304 (2015).
F. T. Rabouw, R. Vaxenburg, A. A. Bakulin, R. J. A. van Dijk-Moes, H. J. Bakker, A. Rodina, E. Lifshitz, A. L. Efros, A. F. Koenderink, and D. Vanmaekelbergh*, "Dynamics of Intraband and Interband Auger Processes in Colloidal Core-Shell Quantum Dots", ACS Nano 9(10), 10366-10376 (2015).
R. Pozner, E. Lifshitz, and U. Peskin*, "A Triple Quantum Dot Based Nano-Electromechanical Memory Device", Appl. Phys. Lett. 107(11), 113109 (2015).
J. Tilchin, F. T. Rabouw, M. Isarov, R. Vaxenburg, R. J. A. Van Dijk-Moes, E. Lifshitz*, and D. Vanmaekelbergh*, "Quantum Confinement Regimes in CdTe Nanocrystals Probed by Single Dot Spectroscopy: From Strong Confinement to the Bulk Limit", ACS Nano 9(8), 7840-7845 (2015).
G. Zaiats, A. Shapiro, D. Yanover, Y. Kauffmann, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Optical and Electronic Properties of Nonconcentric PbSe/CdSe Colloidal Quantum Dots", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6(13), 2444-2448 (2015).
N. Grumbach, R. K. Čapek, E. Tilchin, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, J. Yang, Y. Ein-Eli, and E. Lifshitz*, "Comprehensive Route to the Formation of Alloy Interface in Core/Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots", J. Phys. Chem. C 119(22), 12749-12756 (2015).
R. Pozner, E. Lifshitz, and U. Peskin*, "Negative Differential Resistance Probe for Interdot Interactions in a Double Quantum Dot Array", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6(9), 1521-1528 (2015).
R. Vaxenburg, A. Rodina, A. Shabaev, E. Lifshitz, and A. L. Efros*, "Nonradiative Auger Recombination in Semiconductor Nanocrystals", Nano Lett. 15(3), 2092-2098 (2015).
R. K. Čapek*, D. Yanover, and E. Lifshitz*, "Size Control by Rate Control in Colloidal PbSe Quantum Dot Synthesis", Nanoscale 7(21), 5299-5310 (2015).
K. De Nolf, R. K. Čapek*, S. Abe, M. Sluydts, Y. Jang, J. C. Martins, S. Cottenier, E. Lifshitz, and Z. Hens*, "Controlling the Size of Hot Injection Made Nanocrystals by Manipulating the Diffusion Coefficient of the Solute", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137(7), 2495-2505 (2015).
I. Gdor, A. Shapiro, C. Yang, D. Yanover, E. Lifshitz*, and S. Ruhman*, "Three-Pulse Femtosecond Spectroscopy of PbSe Nanocrystals: 1S Bleach Nonlinearity and Sub-Band-Edge Excited-State Absorption Assignment", ACS Nano 9(2), 2138-2147 (2015).
T. Wang, R. Vaxenburg, W. Liu, S. M. Rupich, E. Lifshitz, A. L. Efros, D. V. Talapin*, and S. J. Sibener*, "Size-Dependent Energy Levels of InSb Quantum Dots Measured by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy", ACS Nano 9(1), 725-732 (2015).
G. Zaiats, D. Yanover, R. Vaxenburg, A. Shapiro, A. Safran, I. Hesseg, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "PbSe/CdSe Thin-Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots", Z. Phys. Chem. 229(1-2), 3-21 (2015).
L. Amirav*, and E. Lifshitz*, "A Spray-Based Technique for the Production of MnS Thin Films", ChemPhysChem 16(2), 353-359 (2015).
E. Lifshitz, L. D. A. Siebbeles, "Fundamental Processes in Semiconductor Nanocrystals", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16(47), 25677-25678 (2014).
I. Gdor, C. Yang, D. Yanover, H. Sachs, E. Lifshitz, and S. Ruhman*, "Novel Spectral Decay Dynamics of Hot Excitons in PbSe Nanocrystals: A Tunable Femtosecond Pump–Hyperspectral Probe Study" J. Phys. Chem. C 117(49), 26342-26350 (2013).
R. Vaxenburg, A. Rodina, E. Lifshitz, and A. L. Efros*, "The Role of Polarization Fields in Auger-Induced Efficiency Droop in Nitride-Based Light-Emitting Diodes", Appl. Phys. Lett. 103(22), 221111 (2013).
A. Gandman, M. Bronstein-Tojen, V. Kloper, M. Muallem, D. Yanover, E. Lifshitz, and Z. Amitay*, "Non-Poissonian Formation of Multiple Excitons in Photoexcited CdTe Colloidal Quantum Qots by Femtosecond Nonresonant Two-Photon Absorption". Opt. Express 21(20), 24300-24308 (2013).
N. Grumbach*, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, G. I. Maikov, E. Tilchin, and E. Lifshitz*, "Manipulation of Carrier–Mn2+ Exchange Interaction in CdTe/CdSe Colloidal Quantum Dots by Controlled Positioning of Mn2+ Impurities", J. Phys. Chem. C 117(40), 21021-21027 (2013).
J. Habinshuti, O. Kilian, O. Cristini-Robbe, A. Sashchiuk, A. Addad, S. Turrell, E. Lifshitz, B. Grandidier, and L. Wirtz*, "Anomalous Quantum Confinement of the Longitudinal Optical Phonon mode in PbSe Quantum Dots", Phys. Rev. B 88(11), 115313 (2013).
R. Vaxenburg, E. Lifshitz, and Al. L. Efros, "Suppression of Auger-Stimulated Efficiency Droop in Nitride-Based Light Emitting Diodes", Appl. Phys. Lett. 102(3), 031120 (2013).
L. Etgar*, D. Yanover, R. K. Čapek, R. Vaxenburg, Z. S. Xue, B. Liu, M. K. Nazeeruddin, E. Lifshitz, and M. Grätzel, "Core/Shell PbSe/PbS QDs TiO2 Heterojunction Solar Cell", Adv. Funct. Mater. 23(21), 2736-2741 (2013).
A. Sashchiuk, D. Yanover, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, G. I. Maikov, R. K. Čapek, R. Vaxenburg, J. Tilchin, G. Zaiats, and E. Lifshitz*, “Tuning of Electronic Properties in IV–VI Colloidal Nanostructures by Alloy Composition and Architecture”, Invited Feature Article for Nanoscale 5(17), 7724-7745 (2013).
D. Yanover, R. K. Čapek, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, R. Vaxenburg, N. Grumbach, G. I. Maikov, O. Solomeshch, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Small-Sized PbSe/PbS Core/Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots", Chem. Mater. 24(22), 4417-4423 (2012).
U. Aeberhard*, R. Vaxenburg, E. Lifshitz, and S. Tomic, "Fluorescence of colloidal PbSe/PbS QD in NIR luminescent solar concentrators", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14(47), 16223-16228 (2012).
A. Rubin-Brusilovski, G. Maikov, D. Kolan, R. Vaxenburg, J. Tilchin, Y. Kauffmann, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Influence of Alloying on the Optical Properties of IV-VI Nanorods", J. Phys. Chem. C 116(35), 18983-18989 (2012).
R. Vaxenburg, E. Lifshitz*, "Alloy and Heterostructure Architectures as Promising Tools for Controlling Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots", Phys. Rev. B 85(7), 075304 (2012).
E. Lifshitz*, R. Vaxenburg, G. I. Maikov, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, D. Yanover, J. Tilchin, and A. Sashchiuk, “The Influence of Alloy Composition on the Electronic Properties of IV-VI Core/Shell Colloidal Heterostructures”, Invited Review for Isr. J. Chem. 52(11-12), 1037-1052 (2012).
E. Lifshitz*, R. Vaxenburg, G. I. Maikov, A. Rubin-Brusilovski, D. Yanover, J. Tilchin, and A. Sashchiuk, “Alloying in IV-VI Core/Shell Nanostructures: Synthesis, Electronic Band Structure and Optical Properties”. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 52, 1037-1052 (2012).
E. Lifshitz, R. Vaxenburg, G. I. Maikov, D. Yanover, A. Brusilovski, J. Tilchin, and A. Sashchiuk, “The significance of alloy colloidal quantum dots” Vol. 85, Invited Chapter 6 in book “Semiconductors and Semimetals”,182-229 (2011).
M. Tuan Trinh, Polak,L.; Schins, J. M.; Houtepen,A. J.; Vaxenburg, R.;Maikov,G. I.; Grinbom,G.; Midgett, A. G.; Luther, J. M.; Beard,M. C. Nozik, A.J.; Bonn, M.;Lifshitz, E. and Siebbeles, L. D. A., “Anomalous Independence of Multiple Exciton Generation on Different IV-VI Quantum Dot Architectures”. Nano Lett, 11(4), 1623-1629 (2011).
G. I. Maikov, R. Vaxenburg, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Composition-Tunable Optical Properties of Colloidal IV-VI Quantum Dots, Composed of Core/Shell Heterostructures with Alloy Components", ACS Nano 4(11), 6547-6556 (2010).
G. I. Maikov, R. Vaxenburg, D. Yanover, A. Sashchiuk*, and E. Lifshitz*, "Temperature Dependence of the Ground-State Exciton in PbSe Core and Relevant Core-Shell Colloidal Quantum Dot Structures", Phys. Status Solidi C 7(11-12), 2656-2659 (2010).
L. Etgar, A. Nakhmani, A. Tannenbaum, E. Lifshitz*, and R. Tannenbaum*, "Trajectory Control of PbSe–γ-Fe2O3 Nanoplatforms under Viscous Flow and an External Magnetic Field", Nanotechnology 21, 175702 (2010).
G. A. Grinbom, M. Saraf*, C. Saguy, A. C. Bartnik, F. Wise, and E. Lifshitz*, "Density of States in a Single PbSe/PbS Core-Shell Quantum Dot Measured by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy", Phys. Rev. B 81(24), 245301 (2010).
L. Etgar, A. Nakhmani, A. Tannenbaum, E. Lifshitz, and R. Tannenbaum, "Targeting of PbSe-γ-Fe2O3 Nanoplatforms by External Magnetic Field Under Viscous Flow Conditions", Sensor Lett. 8(3) 383-386 (2010).
M. Saraf, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Energy Transfer among CdTe Tetrapod Nanocrystals", IOP Conf. Ser., Mater. Sci. Eng. 6, 012024 (2009).
G. I. Maikov, A. Kigel, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Emission Processes in Colloidal PbSe/PbS Core-Shell Quantum Dots". IOP Conf. Ser., Mater. Sci. Eng. 6, 012027 (2009).
V. Kloper, R. Osovsky, D. Cheskis, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Suppressed Blinking in CdTe/CdSe Core-Shell Quantum Dots", Phys. Status Solidi C 6(12), 2719-2721 (2009).
G. I. Maikov, R. Vaxenburg, D. Yanover, A. Kigel, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Photoluminescence Properties of PbSe/PbS Core-Shell Quantum Dots", Phys. Status Solidi C 6(12), 2716-2718 (2009).
A. Kigel, M. Brumer, G. Maikov, A. Sashchiuk*, and E. Lifshitz, "The Ground-State Exciton Lifetime of PbSe Nanocrystal Quantum Dots", Superlattices Microstruct. 46(1-2), 272-276 (2009).
A. Kigel, M. Brumer, G. I. Maikov, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Thermally Activated Photoluminescence in Lead Selenide Colloidal Quantum Dots", Small 5(14), 1675-1681 (2009).
Y. Lamhot, A. Barak, C. Rotschild, M. Segev, M. Saraf, E. Lifshitz, A. Marmur, R. El-Ganainy, and D. N. Christodoulides, "Optical Control of Thermocapillary Effects in Complex Nanofluids", Phys. Rev. Lett. 103(26), 264503 (2009).
R. Osovsky, D.Cheskis, V. Kloper, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Continuous-Wave Pumping of Multiexciton Bands in the Photoluminescence Spectrum of a Single CdTe-CdSe Core-Shell Colloidal Quantum Dot", Phys. Rev Lett. 102(19), 197401 (2009).
L. Etgar, G. Leitus, L. Fradkin, Y. G. Assaraf, R. Tannenbaum*, and E. Lifshitz*, "Optical and Magnetic Properties of Conjugate Structures of PbSe Quantum Dots and γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles", ChemPhysChem 10(13), 2235-2241 (2009).
A. Zakrassov, A. Bitler, L. Etgar, G. Leitus, E. Lifshitz, and R. Naaman*, "Controlling the Anisotropic Magnetic Dipolar Interactions of PbSe Self-Assembled Nanoparticles on GaAs", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11(35), 7549-7552 (2009).
R. Osovsky, D. Cheskis, V. Kloper, L. Fradkin, A. Sashchiuk, M. Kroner, and E. Lifshitz, "Multiexcitons in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals," in Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, (2009)), paper IFA2.
D. Cheskis, R. Osovsky, V. Kloper, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz, "Multiexcitons in a Single CoreShell Colloidal Quantum dots", MRS Proceedings 1207, 1207–N05-10 (2009).
D. Dorfs, T. Franzl, R. Osovsky, M. Brumer, E. Lifshitz, T. A. Klar, and A. Eychmüller*, "Type-I and Type-II Nanoscale Heterostructures Based on CdTe Nanocrystals: A Comparative Study", Small 4(8), 1148-1152 (2008).
M. Bashouti, and E. Lifshitz*, "PbS Sub-micrometer Structures with Anisotropic Shape: Ribbons, Wires, Octapods, and Hollowed Cubes", Inorg. Chem. 47(2), 678-682 (2008).
T. Saraidarov, R. Reisfeld*, E. Zigansky, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz, "Electrical Conductivity of Doped Porous Glasses as Possible Sensors for Oxygen", Opt. Appl. 38(1), 109-117 (2008).
L. Etgar*, E. Lifshitz, R. Tannenbaum, "Synthesis of Water Soluble PbSe Quantum Dots" J. Mat. Res. 23(4), 899-903 (2008).
L. Amirav*, and E. Lifshitz*, "Thermospray: A Method for Producing High Quality Semiconductor Nanocrystals", J. Phys. Chem. C 112(34), 13105-13113 (2008).
S. Fischer, J. C. Goldschmidt, P. Löper, S. Janz, M. Peters, S. W. Glunz, A. Kigel, E. Lifshitz, K. Krämer, D. Biner,G. H. Bauer, and R. Brüggemann, "Material Characterization for Advanced Upconverter Systems", 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain 620-623 (2008).
E. Lifshitz*, A. Kigel, M. Brumer, L. Etgar, V. Kloper, M. Bashouti, A. Sashchiuk, R. Tennenbaum M. Sirota, E. Galun, Z. Burshtein, A. Q. Le Quang, I. Ledoux-Rak, J. Zyss, "PbSe core, PbSe/PbS and PbSe/PbSexS1-x Core-Shell Nanocrystal Quantum Dots: Properties and Applications", Chapter 25 in "Handbook for Self-Assembled Semiconductor Nanostructures for Novel Devices in Photonics and Electronics", Edited by Mohamed Henini, Publisher: Elsevier Inc. Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-08-046325-4, pp. 749-772 (2008).
A. C. Bartnik, F. W. Wise*, A. Kigel, and E. Lifshitz*, "Electronic Structure of PbSe/PbS Core-shell Quantum Dots", Phys. Rev. B 75(24), 245424 (2007).
E. Lifshitz, and A. Eychmüller*, "Spectroscopic Investigations on II-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Their Assemblies", J. Clust. Sci. 18(1), 5-18 (2007).
T. Saraidarov, A. Gevorgian, R. Reisfeld*, A. Sashchiuk, M. Bashouti, and E. Lifshitz, "Synthesis, Structural, and Electrical Characterization of PbS NCs in Titania Sol-Gel Films", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 44(2), 87-95 (2007).
L. Etgar, E. Lifshitz, and R. Tannenbaum*, "Hierarchical Conjugate Structure of γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and PbSe Quantum Dots for Biological Applications", J. Phys. Chem. C 111(17), 6238-6244 (2007).
R. Osovsky, V. Kloper, J. Kolny-Olesiak, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Optical Properties of CdTe Nanocrystal Quantum Dots, Grown in the Presence of Cd0 Nanoparticles", J. Phys. Chem. C 111(28), 10841-10847 (2007).
V. Kloper, R. Osovsky, J. Kolny-Olesiak, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "The Growth of Colloidal Cadmium Telluride Nanocrystal Quantum Dots in the Presence of Cd0 Nanoparticles", J. Phys. Chem. C 111(28), 10336-10341 (2007).
A. C. Bartnik, F. W. Wise*, A. Kigel, E. Lifshitz*, "Electronic Structure of PbSe/PbS Core-shell Quantum Dots", Phys. Rev. B, 75, 245424 (2007).
T. Saraidarov*, R. Reisfeld, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz, "Synthesis and Characterizations of PbS Nanorods and Nanowires", Physica E 37(1-2), 173-177 (2007).
J. Kolny-Olesiak, V. Kloper, R. Osovsky, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz*, "Synthesis and Characterization of Brightly Photoluminescent CdTe Nanocrystals", Surf. Sci. 601(13), 2667-2670 (2007).
L. Amirav, and E. Lifshitz*, "Spray-Produced Coral-Shaped Assemblies of MnS Nanocrystal Clusters", J. Phys. Chem. B 110(42), 20922-20926 (2006).
E. Lifshitz*, M. Brumer, A. Kigel, A. Sashchiuk, M. Bashouti, M. Sirota, E. Galun, Z. Burshtein, A. Q. Le Quang, I. Ledoux-Rak, and J. Zyss, "Air-stable PbSe/PbS and PbSe/PbSexS1-x Core-Shell Nanocrystal Quantum Dots and Their Applications", J. Phys. Chem. B 110(50), 25356-25365 (2006).
M. Brumer, M. Sirota, A. Kigel, A. Sashchiuk, E. Galun, Z. Burshtein, and E. Lifshitz*, "Nanocrystals of PbSe Core, PbSe/PbS, and PbSe/PbSexS1-x Core/Shell as Saturable Absorbers in Passively Q-switched Near-infrared Lasers", Appl. Opt. 45(28), 7488-7497 (2006).
S. Alon-Braitbart, E. Poem, L. Fradkin, N. Akopian, S. Vilan, E. Lifshitz, E. Ehrenfreund, D. Gershoni, B. D. Gerardot, A. Badolato, and P. M. Petroff*, "Magneto Optics of Single Photons Emitted from Single InAs/GaAs Self-Assembled Quantum Dots in a Planar Microcavity", Physica E 32(1-2), 127-130 (2006).
M. Bashouti, A. Sashchiuk, L. Amirav, S. Berger, M. Eisen, M. Krueger, U. Sivan and E. Lifshitz, “Synthesis and Characterization of PbSe Nanocrystals Assemblies.” Chapter N 9 in book "Nanoparticles Assemblies and Superstructures". Edited by Kotov, Nicholas, and Publisher: CRC Press LLC, Boca Ration, Los Angeles, USA (2006) 207-224.
M. Bashouti, W. Salalha, M. Brumer, E. Zussmann*, and E. Lifshitz*, "Alignment of Colloidal CdS Nanowires Embedded in Polymer Nanofibers by Electrospinning", ChemPhysChem 7(1), 102-106 (2006).
L. Amirav, and E. Lifshitz*, "Spray Produced Coral-Shaped Assemblies of MnS Nanocrystal Clusters", MRS Proceedings 959, 0959 (2006).
L. Etgar, E. Lifshitz,* R .Tannenbaum*, "Synthesis of Water Soluble PbSe Quantum Dots", MRS Proceedings 959, 0959-M03-03 (2006).
M. Bashouti, A. Sashchiuk, L. Amirav, S. Berger, M. Eiscn, M. Krueger, U. Sivan, E. Lifshitz*, "Synthesis and Characterization of PbSe Nanocrystals Assemblies", Chapter 9 in "Nanoparticles Assemblies and Superstructures", Edited by N. Kotov, Publisher: CRC Press LLC Boca Ration, Los Angeles, ISBN: 978-0824725242, pp. 207-224 (2006).
E. Lifshitz, A. Sashchiuk, A. Kigel, M. Brumer, M. Bashouti, L. Amirav, "PbSe Nanocrystals: From Spherical Core-Shell Structures to Rods, Wires, Tetrapods, and Assemblies", Chapter 8 in "Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices Volume 2", Edited by Alexander A. Balandin and Kang L. Wang, Publisher: American Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 978- 1588830739, pp. 241–265 (2006).
E. Lifshitz*, "Synthesis and Characterization of PbSe Nanocrystals Assemblies”, in Nanoparticles Assemblies and Superstructures, (Ed. N. Kotov, Publisher, CRC Press LLC Boca Ration, Los Angeles) Invited Chapter, 9, 207-224 (2006).
R. Osovsky, A. Shavel, N. Gaponik, L. Amirav, A. Eychmüller, H. Weller, and E. Lifshitz*, "Electrostatic and Covalent Interactions in CdTe Nanocrystalline Assemblies", J. Phys. Chem. B 109(43), 20244-20250 (2005).
O. Solomeshch, A. Kigel, A. Saschiuk, V. Medvedev, A. Aharoni, A. Razin, Y. Eichen, U. Banin, E. Lifshitz, and N. Tessler*, "Optoelectronic Properties of Polymer-Nanocrystal Composites Active and Near-IR Wavelengths", J. Appl. Phys. 98(7), 074310 (2005).
T. J. Schaafsma*, I. Dag, R. Sitters, M. Glasbeek, and E. Lifshitz, "Spectroscopy and Photophysics of Self-Organized Zinc Porphirin Nanolayers. 3. Fluorescence Detected Magnetic Resonance of Triplet States", J. Phys. Chem. B 109(36), 17047-17054 (2005).
A. Kigel*, M. Brumer, A. Sashchiuk, L. Amirav, and E. Lifshitz*, "PbSe/PbSexS1−x Core-Alloyed Shell Nanocrystals", Mat. Sci. Eng. C 25(5-8), 604-608 (2005).
L. Amirav, A. Amirav, and E. Lifshitz*, "A Spray-Based Method for the Production of Semiconductor Nanocrystals", J. Phys. Chem. B 109(20), 9857-9860 (2005).
M. Brumer, A. Kigel, L. Amirav, A. Sashchiuk, O. Solomesch, N. Tessler, and E. Lifshitz*, "PbSe/PbS and PbSe/PbSexS1-x Core/Shell Nanocrystals", Adv. Fun. Mater. 15(7), 1111-1116 (2005).
L. Fradkin, L. Langof, E. Lifshitz*, N. Gaponik, A. Rogach, A. Eychmüller, H. Weller, O. I. Micic, and A. J. Nozik, "A Direct Measurement of g-Factors in II-VI and III-V Core-Shell Nanocrystals", Physica E 26(1-4), 9-13 (2005).
T. Saraidarov, R. Reisfeld*, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz, "NanoCrystallites of Lead Sulfide in Hybrid Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Process", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 34(2), 137-145 (2005).
T. Saraidarov, R. Reisfeld*, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz, "Synthesis and Characterization of PbS Nanocrystallites Organized into Different Morphological Assemblies", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 345-346, 698-702 (2004).
A. Sashchiuk, L. Amirav, M. Bashouti, M. Krueger, U. Sivan, and E. Lifshitz*, "PbSe Nanocyrstal Assemblies: Synthesis, Structural, Optical, and Electrical Characterization", Nano Lett. 4(1), 159-165 (2004).
L. Langof, L. Fradkin, E. Ehrenfreund, E. Lifshitz*, O. I. Micic, and A. J. Nozik, "Colloidal InP/ZnS Core-Shell Nanocrystals Studied by Linearly and Circularly Polarized Photoluminescence", Chem. Phys. 297(1-3), 93-98 (2004).
L. Fradkin, L. Langof, E. Lifshitz*, A. Ragach, N. Gaponik, H. Weller, and A. Eychmüller, "Magneto-Optical Studies of HgTe/HgxCd1-xTe(S) Core-Shell Nanocrystals", ChemPhysChem 4(11), 1203-1210 (2003).
E. Lifshitz*, M. Bashouti, V. Kloper, A. Kigel, M. S. Eisen, and S. Berger, "Synthesis and Characterization of PbSe Quantum Wires, Multipods, Quantum Rods, and Cubes", Nano Lett. 3(6), 857-862 (2003).
T. Saraidarov, R. Reisfeld*, A. Sashchiuk, and E. Lifshitz, "Synthesis and Characterization of Lead Sulfide Nanoparticles in Zirconia-Silica-Urethane Thin Films Prepared by the Sol-Gel Process", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 26(1-3), 533-540 (2003).
V. Hensel, A. Godt, R. Popovitz-Biro, H. Cohen, T. R. Jensen, K. Kjaer, I. Weissbuch, E. Lifshitz, and M. Lahav*, "Hybrid Composites of Monodispersed π-Conjugated Rodlike Organic Compounds and Semiconductor Quantum Particles", Chem. Eur. J. 8(6), 1413-1423 (2002).
R. Buller, H. Cohen*, E. Minkin, R. Popovitz-Biro, E. Lifshitz* and M. Lahav*, "(Pb1-xCdx)S Nanoparticles Embedded in a Conjugated Organic Matrix, as Studied by Photoluminescence and Light-Induced X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy", Adv. Funct. Mat. 12(10), 713-718 (2002).
K. Gokhberg, A.Glozman, E. Lifshitz*, T. Maniv, M.C. Schlamp, and P. Alivisatos, "Electron (hole) Paramagnetic Resonance of Spherical CdSe Nanocrystals", J. Chem. Phys. 117, 2909-2913 (2002).
A. Sashchiuk*, E. Lifshitz, R. Reisfeld, T. Saraidarov, "Properties of PbS Nanocrystals Embedded in Zirconia Sol-Gel Film", Mater. Sci. Eng. C 19(1-2), 67-71 (2002).
A. Sashchiuk*, L. Langof, R. Chaim, and E. Lifshitz, "Synthesis and Characterization of PbSe and PbSe/PbS Core-Shell Colloidal Nanocrystals", J. Cryst. Growth 240(3-4), 431-438 (2002).
M. Sirota, L. Fradkin, R. Buller, V. Henzel, M. Lahav, and E. Lifshitz*, "Magneto-Optical Measurements of Chromophore/Semiconductor Nanocrystalline Superstructures", ChemPhysChem 3(4), 343-349 (2002).
O. I. Mićić, A. J. Nozik*, E. Lifshitz, T. Rajh*, O. G. Poluektov, and M. C. Thurnauer "Electron and Hole Adducts Formed in Illuminated InP Colloidal Quantum Dots Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance", J. Phys. Chem. B 106(17), 4390-4395 (2002).
L. Langof, E. Ehrenfreund, E. Lifshitz*, O. I. Micic, and A. J. Nozik, "Continuous-Wave and Time-Resolved Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance Studies of Nonetched/Etched InP Nanocrystals", J. Phys. Chem. B 106(7), 1606-1612 (2002).
R. Guliamov, E. Lifshitz*, E. Cohen, A. Ron, and H. Shtrikman, "A Study of Semiconductor Quantum Structures by Microwave Modulated Photoluminescence", Nanotechnology 13(2), 234-237 (2002).
A. Sashchiuk, E. Lifshitz, R. Reisfeld*, T. Saraidarov, M. Zelner, and A. Willenz, "Optical and Conductivity Properties of PbS Nanocrystals in Amorphous Zirconia Sol-Gel Films", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 24(1), 31-38 (2002).
H. E. Porteanu*, E. Lifshitz*, M. Pflughoefft, A. Eychmüller, and H. Weller, "Optical Properties of CdS/HgS/CdS Quantum Dot-Quantum Well Structures", Phys. Status Solidi B 226(1), 219-232 (2001).
A. Glozman*, and E. Lifshitz, "Optically Detected Spin and Spin-Orbital Resonance Studies of CdSe/CdS Core-Shell Nanocrystals", Mater. Sci. Eng. C 15(1-2), 17-19 (2001).
M. Sirota*, E. Minkin, E. Lifshitz, V. Hensel, and M. Lahav, "Spectroscopic Properties of Molecular-Wire/Semiconductor Nanocrystalline Superstructures", J. Phys. Chem. B 105(29), 6792-6797 (2001).
R. Havdala, L. Langof, E. Lifshitz*, and R. Naaman*, "Microwave Modulation of Exciton Emission in Molecular Controlled Semiconductor Resistor", J. Chem. Phys. 115(8), 3834-3839 (2001).
E. Lifshitz*, and A. Glozman*, "Optically Detected Spin and Orbit Resonance of Semiconductor Quantum Dots", Phys. Status Solidi B 224(2), 541-544 (2001).
A. Glozman, E. Lifshitz*, K. Hoppe, A. L. Rogach, H. Weller, and A. Eychmüller, "Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance of Thiol-Capped CdTe Nanocrystals", Isr. J. Chem. 41(1), 39-44 (2001).
R. Guliamov, E. Lifshitz*, E. Cohen, A. Ron, and L. N. Pfeiffer, “Indirect Barrier Electron-Hole Gas Transitions in Mixed Type I-Type II GaAs/AlAs Multiple Quantum Wells”, Phys. Rev. B 64(3), 035314 (2001).
S. Guo, L. Konopny, R. Popovitz-Biro, H. Cohen, M. Sirota, E. Lifshitz, and M. Lahav*, "Topotactic Release of CdS and Cd1-xMnxS from Solid Thioalkanoates with Ammonia to Yield Quantum Particles Arranged in Layers Within an Organic Composite", Adv. Mat. 12(4), 302-306 (2000).
S. Guo, L. Konopny, R. Popoviyz-Biro, H. Cohen, H. Porteanu, E. Lifshitz, and M. Lahav*, "Thioalkanoates as Site-Directing Nucleating Centers for the Preparation of Patterns of CdS Nanoparticles Within 3-D Crystals and LB Films of Cd Alkanoates", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121(41), 9589-9598 (1999).
H. E. Porteanu*, E. Lifshitz, Th. Dittrich, and V. Petrova-Koch, "Sidebands in Nontunable Photoluminescence of Si+-Implanted SiO2", Phys. Rev. B 60(23), 15538-15541 (1999).
E. Lifshitz*, H. Porteanu, A. Glozman, H. Weller, M. Pflughoefft, and A. Eychmüller, "Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance Study of CdS/HgS/CdS Quantum Dot Quantum Wells", J. Phys. Chem. B 103(33), 6870-6875 (1999).
E. Lifshitz*, A. Kaplan, E. Ehrenfreund, and D. Meissner, "Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance as a Tool to Study the Morphology of Perylene-Derivative Thin Film", Chem. Phys. Lett. 300(5-6), 626-632 (1999).
E. Lifshitz*, M. Sirota, and H. Porteanu, "Continuous and Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Study of Lead Sulfide Nanocrystals, Embedded in Polymer Film", J. Cryst. Growth 196(1), 126-134 (1999).
I. D. Litvin, H. Porteanu, E. Lifshitz*, and A. A. Lipovskii, "Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance Studies of CdS Nanoparticles Grown in Phosphate Glass", J. Cryst. Growth 198-199(1), 313-315 (1999).
E. Lifshitz*, I. D. Litvin, H. Porteanu, and A. A. Lipovskii, "Magneto-Optical Properties of CdS Nanoparticles Embedded in Phosphate Glass", Chem. Phys. Lett. 295(3), 249-256 (1998).
E. Lifshitz*, A. Kaplan, E. Ehrenfreund, and D. Meissner, "Magneto-Optical Studies of Perylene Tetracarboxylic Acid Diimide Thin Films", Opt. Mat. 9(1-4), 295-298 (1998).
E. Lifshitz*, I. Dag, I. D. Litvin, and G. Hodes, "Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance Study of Electron/Hole Traps on CdSe Quantum Dot Surfaces", J. Phys. Chem. B 102(46), 9245-9250 (1998).
E. Lifshitz*, I. Dag, I. Litvin, G. Hodes, S. Gorer, R. Reisfeld, M. Zelner, and H. Minti, "Optical Properties of CdSe Nanoparticle Films Prepared by Chemical Deposition and Sol-Gel Methods", Chem. Phys. Lett. 288(2-4), 188-196 (1998).
E. Lifshitz*, A. Kaplan, E. Ehrenfreund, and D. Meissner, "Optical and Magnetooptical Measurements of N-N'-Dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic Acid Diimide Thin Films", J. Phys. Chem. B 102(6), 967-973 (1998).
E. Lifshitz*, L. Bykov, M. Yassen, and Z. Chen-Esterlit, "The Investigation of Donor and Acceptor States in Nanoparticles of the Layered Semiconductor, PbI2", Chem. Phys. Lett. 273(5-6), 381-388 (1997).
Z. Chen-Esterlit, E. Lifshitz*, E. Cohen, and L. N. Pfeiffer, "Microwave Modulation of Circularly Polarized Exciton Photoluminescence in GaAs/AlAs Multiple Quantum Wells", Phys. Rev. 53(16), 10921-10927 (1996).
I. Dag, and E. Lifshitz*, "Dynamics of Recombination Processes in PbI2 Nanocrystals Embedded in Porous Silica Films", J. Phys. Chem. 100(21), 8962-8972 (1996).
E. Lifshitz* and A.H. Francis, "ODMR Studies of Recombination Emission in MPS3 Layered Semiconductors and their Intercalation Derivatives", Int. J. Mater. Prod. Technol. 11(1-2), 159-165 (1996).
E. Lifshitz*, L. Bykov, and M. Yassen, "An Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance Study of Laser Ablation Grown PbI2 Epitaxial Films", J. Phys. Chem. 99(41), 15262-15268 (1995).
E. Lifshitz*, and L. Bykov, "Continuous-Wave, Microwave-Modulated and Thermal-Modulated Photoluminescence Studies of BiI3 Layered Semiconductor", J. Phys. Chem. 99(14), 4894-4899 (1995).
E. Lifshitz*, M. Yassen, L. Bykov, I. Dag, and R. Chaim, "Photodecomposition and Regeneration of PbI2 Nanometer-Sized Particles, Embedded in Porous Silica Films", J. Phys. Chem. 99(4), 1245-1250 (1995).
O. Amir, E. Lifshitz*, C. Saguy, and R. Kalish, "Characterization of Indium-Doped SnS2", Eur. Solid State Inorg. Chem. 31(7), 631-648 (1994).
S. P. Sibley, A. H. Francis*, and E. Lifshitz, "Photoluminescence and ODMR Studies of Lamellar Cd2P2S6 and Zn2P2S6 Lattices", J. Phys. Chem. 98(19), 5089-5094 (1994).
S. P. Sibley, A. H. Francis*, E. Lifshitz, and R. Clément, "Magnetic Resonance Studies of Intercalated, Two-Dimensional Transition Metal ChalcogenoPhosphate Lattices", Colloids Surf. A 82(3), 205-215 (1994).
B. M. Ashkinadze*, E. Lifshitz, and L. N. Pfeiffer, "Microwave Modulation of the Photoluminescence due to Separately Localized e-h Pairs in Quantum Wells", J. Lumin. 60-61, 393-395 (1994).
E. Lifshitz*, L. Bykov, and B. M. Ashkinadze, "Microwave Modulated and Thermal Modulated Photoluminescence Studies of PbI2 Layered Semiconductor", J. Lumin. 60-61, 40-43 (1994).
E. Lifshitz*, M. Yassen, L. Bykov, I. Dag, and R. Chaim, "Nanometer-Sized Particles of PbI2 Embedded in SiO2 Films", J. Phys. Chem. 98(5), 1459-1463 (1994).
E. Lifshitz*, and L. Bykov, "Microwave Modulated and Thermal Modulated Photoluminescence Studies of 2H-PbI2", J. Phys. Chem. 97(37), 9288-9292 (1993).
E. Lifshitz*, Z. Chen, and L. Bykov, "Optical Spectroscopy of 1T-SnS2 Single Crystals", J. Phys. Chem. 97(1), 238-242 (1993).
O. Amir, E. Lifshitz*, V. Richter, C. Uzan-Saguy, and R. Kalish, "Doping of the Layered Compound SnS2 by Phosphorus Ion-Implantation", Appl. Phys. Lett. 60(26), 3241-3243 (1992).
H. Cohen, M. Folman, T. Maniv, R. Brener, E. Lifshitz*, and Z. Esterlit, "Electronic Excitations in SnS2: an Electron-Energy-Loss-Spectroscopy Study", Phys. Rev. B 46(8), 4446-4455 (1992).
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E. Lifshitz, and A. H. Francis*, "An Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance of Mn4+ in Cs2GeF6 and K2GeF6", Chem. Phys. 127(1-3), 297-304 (1988).
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E. Lifshitz, D. Goldfarb, S. Vega, Z. Luz*, and H. Zimmermann, "Deuterium and Carbon-13 NMR of the Solid Polymorphism of Benzenehexoyl Hexa-n-hexanoate", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109(24), 7280-7286 (1987).
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E. Lifshitz, A. E. Gentry, and A. H. Francis*, "Electron Spin Resonance and Dielectric Relaxation Studies of Pyridine-Intercalated Cd2P2S6", J. Phys. Chem. 88(14), 3038-3042 (1984).
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